Animal Rights in Spiritualism aims to function in the same way as any other animal rights group, the only difference being that A.R.I.S literature will emphasise the spiritual side of the argument and their venues for setting up stall will be churches/centres worldwide. Their words will be designed to bring about an awareness of the fact that animals are not only able to suffer on a physical, mental and emotional level (just as we are) but have a spirit capable of love, thought and survival over death.
Other creatures are not here for our use but for their own spiritual progression. What Great Spirit worth its light would divine a law that favoured one species at the expense of another? Material bodies.....are just vehicles for the soul to work through and when they are shed the spirit within is seen as the sum of the love it gave in life…..or didn’t......
Because we have entered bodies with greater brain capacity than that of some other animals, we have a duty to protect and care for them where it is needed and to leave them to fulfil their lives in their own environment where not. We cannot think that because they have a lower intellect than ours they have nothing to offer but their bodies for us to eat, wear, experiment upon and torment in the name of sport, science, fashion and our taste-buds, no more than we would consider roasting a mental patient for lunch.
So, where limited intelligence cannot be used as an excuse to inflict torture, society will look for a blessing to absolve itself of all wrong-doing…. in religion. Most faiths have a lot to answer for in this respect, for their denial that an animal has a soul implies not only that it has little sensitivity to pain and fear, but adds weight, in their follower’s eyes, to the belief that its life is pointless beyond one of servitude to homo sapiens.
Others suggest that these creatures do have a soul but know they are here for human benefit, gladly giving themselves as a sacrifice for our good. Tell that to the cow who walked five miles, searching frantically for her calf who had been taken away to slaughter, the turkey, living in a crowded shed with no windows, suffering painful joints due to the way it is bred for the Christmas dinner plate or the laboratory animal living in near darkness, having a fit after being force-fed drugs through a stomach tube. It may be true that most of these victims do not bear a grudge (and it is this selfless virtue that is picked up by some psychics who put forward this theory) but that does not mean they accept the horrors we inflict upon them.
"Below are some extracts from both the teachings and philosophy of the renowned guide SILVER BIRCH regarding animal abuse:
“How can that which is cruel be right? How can that which causes pain, inflicts torture, be right? It is contrary to all that we teach. It is wrong to experiment on those who are not capable of resisting. Your world cannot produce remedies for the diseases which it has created by living contrary to the laws of The Great Spirit. There will be found remedies for all your diseases but they will not be found by experiments on animals.”
Let us have a voice on behalf of those who cannot speak for themselves, from the rostrum, in the newspapers and after service at every spiritualist/psychic centre in the world. Pledge your help now!
Hope this article wakes some folks up that have NO respect or anything for our fellow creatures. As the picture says, "animal love is pure love". It is also unconditional!
If YOU would like more reading materials on animals and spiritualism and, their oneness with us, check out "The Spiral Circle" bookstore at New Age, metaphysical, bookstore, spiritual, enlightenment
Peace & Love, Animalz Rule
1 comment:
Hello Bobby
I beleive in animal rights and also spiritualism.
I am creating a site, with stories of animal spirits hopefull. Ive had a few experiences myself so maybe it will jsut document that.
I want to be part of a animal rights in spiritualism movement.
I don't do readings much though, only when spirit pushes me to give a message. And recently that has stopped. Real life getting in the way.
Anyway i would be interested in anything happening.
take care
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